Most Holy Trinity Catholic School

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Class of 2019-2020 Prepares for Final Year

This is the first of several activities that our eighth graders will participate in. Since this is the last year before high school we work to make the 8th grade year special.

   We begin by asking our students where they want to go to high school the following year. Our graduates go to a variety of high schools, including Cathedral, Loretto, Father Yermo, Trans Mountain Early College High School, Chapin Pre-Engineering Program, Silva Health Magnet Program, and Coronado Agricultural Program among others. "I am hoping to get into my dream high school, Loretto, but I realize that it will be a lot of work", said Isela Iglesias. High school has become a competitive process; with our Catholic High Schools plus open enrollment in public high schools our students have a variety of options to choose from. We make sure that our students have the proper applications filled out and submitted on time. Teachers and administration fill out recommendations and stage practice interviews when necessary. It is important that the students maintain good grades throughout the year. This helps them to be accepted at the high school they want to attend.

    Our eighth graders also serve the school in a variety of ways. “I want to do my best this year; I want to make a difference here at the school" said Chase Cortes. Our eighth grade students mentor third grade students in their faith, accompany Pre-Kindergarten students to school mass, and assist at the Diocesan Speech Festival for grades K-6. They will also host the annual Christmas Craft Fair to raise money for a parting gift to our school. Gifts from past classes have allowed us to purchase new pre-algebra textbooks for seventh and eighth grades, expand the STAR Reading Program, as well as purchase smart boards and shelves for our classrooms.

    Although it is a busy year, our 8th graders do have some special activities, including Mass with Bishop Seitz at St. Raphael, Catholic Schools Week Mass followed by lunch at a local restaurant and of course, graduation. It is an exciting time in their lives, a time we hope they will remember always.